Headaches and Migraines
Something that many of us have struggled with at some point in our life, and sadly something that some of us deal with every single day. If you’ve not suffered from a migraine, or a severe headache, I hope you never have to.
Bright lights, loud sounds, any extra stimulus other than eyes closed, in a silent dark room, are extremes that only amplify the pain. Where is the hope? Sure you can try OTC (over the counter) medications, oils, massage techniques, or even prescription strength pain killers. But, in our experiences they cut the edge at best, and never provide a long lasting relief.
I myself, grew up with terrible migraines, something the doctors couldn’t put their fingers on. Was it because of my eyes? Was it stress and tension? Truth be told, I didn’t have the greatest home life growing up, so its very plausible. What is a food sensitivity or allergy? Was I grinding my teeth, clenching my jaw? All the paths lead to a big fat question mark.
I was taken to a Chiropractor for “unrelated” reasons, or at least we thought at the time. The doctor took the time to ask about my issues, but even more so, he asked about my entire childhood history. Any falls, trips, accidents, child birth experiences, any surgeries, scars, etc. It seemed he was concerned with more than just back pain complaint. So, I explained my asthma, my migraines, my back pain, the shin splints, and just daily fatigue.
I began Chiropractic care for what I thought was a minor back strain from playing sports, but quickly realized there is something strange going on, something that is helping and getting rid of all my other issues. For the first time in my life I felt flexible, I had energy, my head didn’t hurt every day around the same time. I was able to run more than 50 feet without needing to suck on an inhaler. Something truly incredible was happening, and who would have ever thought I would give all the credit to my Chiropractor.
What does a Chiropractor do?
It was no secret to him, and over the years, I learned exactly what was happening, and what the doctor was treating, and it suddenly seemed to be logical, not weird voodoo work. I thought to myself, “why doesn’t everyone see a Chiropractor?” I was blown away at how amazing and impactful something so simple could be.
We could break down the science, go over the heads of the average person trying to explain mechanisms. But the reality is, Chiropractic works for one very clear reason: The doctor is more concerned with the cause of the dysfunction rather than the symptoms. When they paint an entire picture and look at your entire history, they can treat the root cause of whats going on and provide a long term solution.
So, can Chiropractic help get rid of your headaches or migraines?
A million times over, yes!
If you happen to be nerdy and into science, your doctor can explain every little detail to you, well, at least in our office. We spend private, 1-1 time with the patient, dedicated to treating them as an individual and answering their questions, and being a valuable resource for their needs.
If this is you, you want to know more, you have pain, dysfunction, injuries that you’ve put off and are just “living with” or “dealing with”, don’t wait any longer. Call today, go online and schedule your appointment today.