Will Stretching Help My Back Pain?

If you have ever had back pain that stops you in your tracks, then you understand…

We live in a society where back pain plagues the every day person. Whether it’s from an injury, accident, or really just from being stuck in front of the computer too often. Back pain is never fun to deal with, and it’s where a Chiropractor can shine. Chiropractic and back pain go together like peanut butter and jelly, it works so well, and quickly. Most of the time, when a patient comes in for back pain, the issue is resolved in just a few visits!

But, what about other options for back pain? What can a patient do between visits to help accelerate and amplify the success of their treatment?

Ready for this…


Seems like we all know we should be doing it, yet none of us do, and it’s quite an un-motivating task to accomplish.

The fact is this, stretching will help your back pain, especially when it’s paired with Chiropractic adjustments.

Here are a few of our favorite stretches we give patients:

Crocodile Breathing

Breathing is foundational to eliminating pain. If you don’t breathe properly, then we have some issues we need to correct. The way you breathe relates to the way you stabilize your spine and hold your posture. If those things are off, of course your back will hurt. Give this breathing drill a try and then try it in different positions.

The Brettzel Stretch

This may be the holy grail of stretches. There are two variations to this stretch, the brettzel 1 and brettzel 2. Both are big, full body, spiral stretches that are going to unwind your tension from head to toe. Be sure to maintain proper breathing and relax into these positions.

The Cobra Flow

Movement is life. What is stretching if it’s not going to help us move better. The movement is also key to turning muscles on and strengthening our body so the joints lubricate, stabilize themselves, and ultimately take pressure off of our spines. Give this “flow” or chain of movements a try and work on smoothing it out with proper breathing, and slow steady purposeful movements.

Chiropractic Can Help

If you or someone you know is dealing with back pain, don’t put off getting help any longer. If all you can do right now is get adjusted, then start there. If you need to warm up with these stretches, then knock that out. But, don’t put pain off, because the issues causing it are not typically going to disappear on their own. Get the help you need and the help you deserve.

Check out our FREE flexibility guide with even more exercises in it that will help your back pain and much more! >>>

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