Back pain…
We have all had it at some point, and we all know how terrible and life impacting it can be. Laying on the couch or floor, trying not to move, hoping that we can take a deep breath without a shock to our back. To sneeze would be death. Bending over, tying our shoes, getting in and out of the car, are all dreams of a pain free past.
If you’ve had it, you know the torture and pain.
A pain we are all too familiar with 😫
Our first piece of advice is always to get in touch with your Chiropractor STAT. Hopefully, like our office, your Chiropractor is available to talk over the phone and make sure that rest is the best choice and not something more serious like a trip to the ER.
At this point you should have a much needed appointment scheduled with your Chiropractor, but until then, give these stretches a try, and keep them up even after your back pain is gone.
1. Hip Mobility Stretches Using the Wall
2. The Cobra Flow
3. “T”- Rolls
Give these three very simple exercises a try the next time you have back pain, or even in between your next Chiropractic visits.
If you have any questions, or just wondering if Chiropractic is right for you, please reach out to our office and we would be happy to help!
Kris Moulton, MS
(817) 251-7250