The title writes the blog. Do we need to go any further?
I will be honest, it surprises me how many athletes I run into that have never been to a chiropractor. The athletes that do come in rarely have seen a chiropractor before as well. I’d like to say it’s because of our reactive culture and why be preventative with my health when most of the options around me are typically there for after pain and injury.
Does chiropractic make this same mistake?
It’s possible our profession simply markets itself so heavily in the back and neck pain area that athletes don’t think to come in or understand the injury prevention benefits of chiropractic care.
What are the benefits?
Improved Performance: Your body moves as one, not in parts and pieces. The better aligned your spine is, the better your movement will be. From bending, flexing, rotating, and creating torque, if your spine is out of alignment, then your body is going to compensate and risk injury.
Injury Prevention: In our office we movement screen every athlete. We want to see that they not only have a well adjusted spine, but motor patterns that are developed and strong enough for their support. So we evaluation their flexibility, mobility, stability, and base of strength.
Faster Recovery: Because of the multiple modalities we use in our office, athletes are going to recover faster from hot/cold therapy, ultrasound, deep tissue work, adjustments, and learning to reset their body with basic stretches and exercise routines.
Inflammation Control: Inflammation is not always a bad thing. It is your body’s response to a need. Chiropractic has been shown to help control inflammation through adjustments and tissue work. Proper supplementation with whole food and natural options such as turmeric keep athletes off of NSAIDs that carry health risks.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Chiropractors want to help your athletes play harder, play longer, and be stronger as a result of it. Our joy comes from seeing a previously injured athlete re-enter their sport and see increased performance without any new injuries.
If you are ready to see a Chiropractor, or want to get your son our daughter under care, now is a great time. Contact our office Moulton Chiropractic at (817) 251-7250 to schedule their evaluation.